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Talent search

Fetch personal contact information

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Identify talents

Buy LinkDB People Profile Dataset and implement talent searches on the dataset.

Perform these queries with LinkDB

"Find me all software engineers in San Francisco"

    parsed_data->>'first_name' AS first_name,
    parsed_data->'last_name' AS last_name,
    jsonb_path_query_first(parsed_data, '$.experiences[*] ? (@.ends_at == null && @.company == "Electronic Arts (EA)").title') AS title
FROM profile
WHERE to_tsvector('simple', parsed_data) @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', 'Electronic Arts (EA)') -- general full text search
  AND parsed_data @> '{"experiences": [{"ends_at": null, "company": "Electronic Arts (EA)"}]}' -- confirm

"Find me all employees working in Apple"

    parsed_data->>'first_name' AS first_name,
    parsed_data->'last_name' AS last_name,
    jsonb_path_query_first(parsed_data, '$.experiences[*] ? (@.ends_at == null && @.company == "Electronic Arts (EA)").title') AS title
FROM profile
WHERE to_tsvector('simple', parsed_data) @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', 'Electronic Arts (EA)') -- general full text search
  AND parsed_data @> '{"experiences": [{"ends_at": null, "company": "Electronic Arts (EA)"}]}' -- confirm

"Find me everyone who studied Computer Science in Stanford"

    parsed_data->>'first_name' AS first_name,
    parsed_data->'last_name' AS last_name,
    jsonb_path_query_first(parsed_data, '$.experiences[*] ? (@.ends_at == null && @.company == "Electronic Arts (EA)").title') AS title
FROM profile
WHERE to_tsvector('simple', parsed_data) @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', 'Electronic Arts (EA)') -- general full text search
  AND parsed_data @> '{"experiences": [{"ends_at": null, "company": "Electronic Arts (EA)"}]}' -- confirm

"Employees of a company by name (Example: Electronic Arts)"

    parsed_data->>'first_name' AS first_name,
    parsed_data->'last_name' AS last_name,
    jsonb_path_query_first(parsed_data, '$.experiences[*] ? (@.ends_at == null && @.company == "Electronic Arts (EA)").title') AS title
  FROM profile
  WHERE to_tsvector('simple', parsed_data) @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', 'Electronic Arts (EA)') -- general full text search
  AND parsed_data @> '{"experiences": [{"ends_at": null, "company": "Electronic Arts (EA)"}]}' -- confirm

Reach out with personal emails

After finding the right people, you can reach out to them via:


with our Personal Contact Lookup Endpoint

See Personal Contact Number Lookup API

Personal email

Personal Email Lookup Endpoint

See Personal Email Lookup API

Learn more by speaking to our Product Manager

We built Proxycurl to empower data-driven products. Talk to Steven, the product manager of Proxycurl today

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