Get Historical Employee Growth With Proxycurl's Employee Count Endpoint Learn more

Get contact details of anyone

Fetch personal phone number, personal and work email addresses, social media profiles of anyone
with a LinkedIn profile through Proxycurl's Contact API

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>' ''

Personal mobile number

[email protected]

Personal email address

[email protected]

Work email address

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Contact API Docs

Not a developer? Sapiengraph ↗ is a Google Sheet addon that grants you Proxycurl powers.

Contact API / use-case Story

Programmatically Get All Your Leads' Email Addresses For Cold Emailing

With Proxycurl, you can use the Person Search Endpoint and Person Profile Endpoint to search for prospects that meet your criteria, enrich the results with their respective email addresses, and then export the results into a .CSV file for cold emailing. All on autopilot.

Learn how

Get personal number

Fetch personal mobile numbers of prospects. Personal mobile numbers are useful for cold calls.

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>' ''

    "numbers": ["9707495020"]

Get work email address

Get the latest verified work emails of prospects as they hop between jobs. Work emails are useful for cold email outreach.

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>' ''

    "email": "[email protected]",
    "status": "email_found",
    "profile_url": "",

Get personal email address

Personal emails are useful for recruitment outreach or retargeting via custom audience lists with Facebook ads.

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>' ''

    "emails": ["[email protected]"],
    "invalid_emails": []

Get social media accounts

Discover Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter from the prospect's phone number.

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>' ''

    "linkedin_profile_url": "",
    "twitter_profile_id": "",
    "facebook_profile_id": ""
Contact API / use-case Story

Programatically Get All Your Leads' Phone Numbers For Cold Calling

With Proxycurl, you can use the Personal Contact Number Lookup Endpoint to automatically enrich your prospects' social media profiles with their respective personal phone numbers for cold calling.

Learn how

Get contact details of anyone in Spreadsheets

Get personal phone numbers, work & personal email addresses, social media profiles using custom spreadsheet formulas.

Free Reverse Email Lookup Tool in Spreadsheets Try Sapiengraph now


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$ 0.009 / credit

1 credit / data point returned

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