Get Historical Employee Growth With Proxycurl's Employee Count Endpoint Learn more

Company logo of Zahran Company

Employee result from Zahran Company

0-10 employees found.

Here are 10 random employees from Zahran Company

Profile picture of f**** p*********

f**** p*********

dental assistant
Profile picture of S*** K********

S*** K********

Profile picture of g**** a***

g**** a***

Profile picture of r******** g*********

r******** g*********

ups dealer
Profile picture of j********** b*********

j********** b*********

Profile picture of Z******* R*****

Z******* R*****

Mantainance Supervisor
Profile picture of j*** p*******

j*** p*******

mechanical engineer
Profile picture of j***** p*****

j***** p*****

facilities manager
Profile picture of K**** S******

K**** S******

Medical Secretary

Disclaimer: PII is redacted in all entries, including the "visible" ones as this is a public-facing website. When you use our endpoint, you will get complete information.

Get the list of employees for Zahran Company

Proxycurl is a developer's tool to integrate People/Company related data into their applications

import requests

api_endpoint = ''
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
header_dic = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + api_key}
params = {
    'employment_status': 'current',
    'url': '',
response = requests.get(api_endpoint,

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