0-10 employees found.
M******** T*****
OtorrinolaringólogoN********* A********
EnfermeraA********** M*********
Responsable de TIM***** R****
Administrativo De OficinaV******** G********
Tecnico en imagen para el diagnóstico y medicina nuclearG***** A**********
Clinical Audiologist / HCPG***** R******
Clinical Audiologist / HCPT*** L*******
Supervisor De QuirófanoJ****** N****
Mà  Dico Especialista En Otorrinolaringologà  ADisclaimer: PII is redacted in all entries, including the "visible" ones as this is a public-facing website. When you use our endpoint, you will get complete information.
Proxycurl is a developer's tool to integrate People/Company related data into their applications
import requests
api_endpoint = 'https://nubela.co/proxycurl/api/linkedin/company/employees/'
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
header_dic = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + api_key}
params = {
'employment_status': 'current',
'url': 'https://www.linkedin.com/company/nubela',
response = requests.get(api_endpoint,
Here's what we've been up to recently.
Learn all about the LinkedIn API, with comprehensive Python code demos. Dive into the world of LinkedIn APIs, official and third-party alternatives, and understand how to access and utilize LinkedIn profile data through Python code examples.
We at Proxycurl have had the privilege of speaking with Hazim, the CEO and co-founder of CoffeeSpace, a Tinder/Hinge-like platform for co-founder matching. Intrigued? We’re here to tell you all about it: its origins, core idea and features, challenges faced, and the tech stack that powers its data-matching