Search People and Companies with Proxycurl's Search API

Advanced searches for people and companies with RegEx

Not a developer? Sapiengraph ↗ is a Google Sheet addon that grants you Proxycurl powers.

Find the right people from a database of 473+M people

Search for people in LinkDB using 46 data attributes with regular expressions

curl \
    -G \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR_API_KEY}" \
    '' \  
1 --data-urlencode 'summary=(?i)clojure' \
2 --data-urlencode 'past_role_title=(?i)software engineer|\bswe\b' \    
3 --data-urlencode 'education_school_name=^(Brown University|Columbia University|Cornell University|Dartmouth College|Harvard University|University of Pennsylvania|Princeton University|Yale University)$' \
    --data-urlencode 'education_field_of_study=(?i)computer science' \
4 --data-urlencode 'country=US'    

Database illustration
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Read API Docs for Person Search Endpoint

Find the right companies from a database of 19+M companies

Search for companies in LinkDB using 21 data attributes with regular expressions

curl \
    -G \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR_API_KEY}" \
    '' \
1 --data-urlencode 'type=PRIVATELY_HELD' \
    --data-urlencode 'country=US' \
    --data-urlencode 'founded_after_year=2019' \ 
2 --data-urlencode 'funding_raised_after=2021-04-01' \
    --data-urlencode 'funding_amount_min=5000000' 

Database illustration
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Read API Docs for Company Search Endpoint


3 credits

/ result returned

*For example: 1000 profiles returned via Search API
will cost $36 (on the $299/mo plan)

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