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LinkDB: A LinkedIn Dataset Containing 1,842,673 Public LinkedIn Profiles from Sweden

Enhance your business with LinkDB’s LinkedIn database to build a comprehensive lead list, identify promising talents, discover investment gems, and more.

  {"public_identifier": "adrian-russo-93a736bb", "first_name": "Adrian", ..}
  {"public_identifier": "addis-moiteaux-021998b6", "first_name": "Addis", ..}
  {"public_identifier": "adam-terne-610041191", "first_name": "Adam", ..}
  {"public_identifier": "alexandru-timosca-9a0b8424", "first_name": "Alexandru", ..}
  {"public_identifier": "alena-olsson-36254667", "first_name": "Alena", ..}

*Disclaimer: LinkedIn is a registered trademark of LinkedIn LLC. Proxycurl or LinkDB is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by LinkedIn LLC.

Data Sample

Sample Data of A Person Profile From Sweden

You’ll get 40+ data points like this for every profile in your Sweden LinkedIn Dataset.

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  "public_identifier": "aleksandar-milovanovic365",
  "profile_pic_url": "",
  "background_cover_image_url": null,
  "first_name": "Aleksandar",
  "last_name": "Milovanovic",
  "full_name": "Aleksandar Milovanovic",
  "follower_count": 4072,
  "occupation": "Sales Manager at nShift",
  "headline": "Sales Manager",
  "summary": "Mina tv\"e5 st\"f6rsta intressen \"e4r att hj\"e4lpa andra m\"e4nniskor samt f\"f6rs\"e4ljning. \\n \\nAtt f\"e5 se andra m\"e4nniskor v\"e4xa och se gl\"e4djen i deras \"f6gon \"e4r n\"e5got jag v\"e4rdes\"e4tter h\"f6gt, s\"e5v\"e4l privat som professionellt. F\"f6rs\"e4ljningens dynamik och m\"f6jligheter som skapas mellan tv\"e5 parter har alltid fascinerat mig. Under min karri\"e4r har jag f\"f6rs\"f6kt vara \"f6dmjuk inf\"f6r att bem\"e4stra stora delar av detta dynamiska och komplexa arbete. Jag har i allra st\"f6rsta m\"e5n f\"f6rs\"f6kt skapa l\"e5ngsiktiga relationer, samt skapa win-win-win situationer (f\"f6retaget, kunden och kundens kund). \\n \\nMin ambition \"e4r att bist\"e5 med den kunskapen jag samlat p\"e5 mig under dessa \"e5r f\"f6r att hj\"e4lpa andra m\"e4nniskor, samt \"f6ka f\"f6rs\"e4ljningen hos kunder. \\n \\nTror du att jag kan hj\"e4lpa dig eller vill du prata f\"f6rs\"e4ljning? Kontakt mig g\"e4rna, h\"e4r p\"e5 LinkedIn eller: \\[email protected]",
  "country": "SE",
  "country_full_name": "Sweden",
  "city": "Stockholm",
  "state": "Stockholm County",
  "experiences": [
      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 8,
        "year": 2023
      "ends_at": null,
      "company": "nShift",
      "company_linkedin_profile_url": "",
      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "Sales Manager",
      "description": null,
      "location": "Stockholm, Stockholm, Sverige",
      "logo_url": ""
      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 3,
        "year": 2023
      "ends_at": {
        "day": 30,
        "month": 6,
        "year": 2023
      "company": "Karma",
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      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "Sales Manager",
      "description": null,
      "location": "Stockholm, Stockholm, Sverige",
      "logo_url": ""
      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 10,
        "year": 2021
      "ends_at": {
        "day": 31,
        "month": 3,
        "year": 2023
      "company": "Superb",
      "company_linkedin_profile_url": "",
      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "Sales Manager - Nordics",
      "description": "Leading the sales team of Nordics consisting of BDM\"92s.\\n\\nAccountable for market budget and strategy.",
      "location": "Stockholm, Sverige",
      "logo_url": ""
      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 8,
        "year": 2020
      "ends_at": {
        "day": 31,
        "month": 5,
        "year": 2021
      "company": "Superb",
      "company_linkedin_profile_url": "",
      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "Business Development Manager",
      "description": "Superb is on a mission to make restaurants become data-driven. We believe restaurant technology is stuck in the past.\\n\\nToday, restaurants use multiple systems that do not work together to manage their daily operations \"97 Leaving restaurants worldwide with a time-consuming workflow and no way to collect insights about their guests. Without these insights, restaurants are left to guess their way forward, struggling to build repeat business. While data has changed the way the world works, the restaurant industry is yet to catch up.\\n\\nIntroducing Guest Experience Management. The first all-in-one platform with all the tools to run a restaurant while collecting actionable insights about each guest to increase guest satisfaction, build guest relationships and attract repeat business \"97 The key to a successful restaurant.\\n\\nSuperb is based out of Copenhagen with remote forces all over the world, joined together to redefine the future of hospitality - Guest Experience Management. Superb represents a worldwide community of premium restaurants in more than 28 countries.\\n\\nWe are always on the lookout for new passionate people with a spark for life, so reach out and join the Superb movement today!\\uc0\u9889 \u65039 \\n\\n#experiencematters",
      "location": "Sverige",
      "logo_url": ""
      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 2019
      "ends_at": {
        "day": 31,
        "month": 10,
        "year": 2021
      "company": "ANVIO Sales & Invest AB",
      "company_linkedin_profile_url": "",
      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "Founder",
      "description": null,
      "location": "Sverige",
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      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
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        "year": 2018
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      "company": "Salestailor",
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      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "CEO & Co-Founder",
      "description": "Salestailor m\"f6jligg\"f6r mer f\"f6rs\"e4ljning p\"e5 f\"f6retag via MaaS (Marketing as a Service) och Sales Enablement. Vi hj\"e4lper f\"f6retag inom fyra olika omr\"e5den; Hemsidor, Digital Marknadsf\"f6ring, Inbound Marketing och F\"f6rs\"e4ljning. \\n\\nVi s\"e4ljer inte l\"e4ngre, dina kunder handlar. De handlar p\"e5 sina villkor: n\"e4r de vill och hur de vill. K\"f6parna sitter p\"e5 makten och det b\"e4sta ditt f\"f6retag kan g\"f6ra \"e4r att anpassa er. \\n\\nDet har blivit sv\"e5rare att f\"e5 tag p\"e5 beslutsfattarna, och att n\"e5 igenom bruset med kalla samtal fungerar bara inte l\"e4ngre.\\n\\nK\"e4nner du igen dig? V\"e4lkommen till digitaliseringsklubben, min v\"e4n. \\n\\nOfficiella Samarbetspartners\\n- HubSpot\\n- Closers AB\\n- SalesScreen\\n- GOAVA Sales Intelligence\\n- Albacross",
      "location": "Solna, Stockholms l\"e4n, Sverige",
      "logo_url": ""
      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 8,
        "year": 2017
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        "day": 30,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 2018
      "company": "IamIP",
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      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "Patent Management Solution Advisor - Scandinavia",
      "description": "IamIP has digitalised one of the last few paper-based and manually handled industries, the complex intellectual property industry. IamIP\"92s platform enables technology based companies to easily overview and evaluate their intellectual property portfolios, monitor competition and get valuable strategic insights \"96 in time - for determining decision-making in innovation.",
      "location": "Stockholm, Sverige",
      "logo_url": ""
      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 2015
      "ends_at": {
        "day": 31,
        "month": 8,
        "year": 2017
      "company": "Soluno BC",
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      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "Account Manager",
      "description": "Under 2017 s\"e5 gjordes en ihopslagning mellan Uno Telefoni AB och Solus BC, d\"e4r vi fick in SEB Private Equity som ny huvud\"e4gare. Tillsammans skapade vi den enskilt st\"f6rsta och mest expansiva operat\"f6rsoberoende leverant\"f6ren av molnv\"e4xlar och samordnade kommunikationstj\"e4nster p\"e5 den Europeiska marknaden under namnet Soluno BC. \\n\\nMina arbetsuppgifter p\"e5 Soluno BC bestod fr\"e4mst av att boka och genomf\"f6ra s\"e4ljm\"f6ten, f\"f6r att sedan driva hela s\"e4ljprocessen med potentiella och befintliga kunder. Geografisk omfattning var fr\"e4mst Stockholm, men \"e4ven andra delar av hela Sverige.",
      "location": "Stockholm, Sverige",
      "logo_url": ""
      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
        "month": 3,
        "year": 2014
      "ends_at": {
        "day": 30,
        "month": 11,
        "year": 2015
      "company": "Telenor Sverige AB",
      "company_linkedin_profile_url": "",
      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "Account Manager",
      "description": "Jag ansvarade f\"f6r f\"f6retagsf\"f6rs\"e4ljning i utvalda delar av Stockholm och S\"f6rmland. Bearbetning mot f\"f6retag i kundsegmentet Medium, 20-99 anst\"e4llda. \\n\\nI rollen som Account Manager p\"e5 Business Medium f\"f6rv\"e4ntades h\"f6g m\"f6tesfrekvens, framtagning av kundanpassade kommunikationsl\"f6sningar samt v\"e4rdebaserad f\"f6rs\"e4ljning fr\"e5n f\"f6rsta kontakt till avslut.",
      "location": "Stockholm, Sverige",
      "logo_url": ""
      "starts_at": {
        "day": 1,
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        "day": 31,
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        "year": 2014
      "company": "Metro Sverige",
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      "company_facebook_profile_url": null,
      "title": "Account Manager",
      "description": "Min arbetsuppgift p\"e5 Metro var att s\"e4lja annonsl\"f6sningar till nya samt befintliga kunder. Arbetet utf\"f6rdes enbart via telefon. \\n\\nUnder anst\"e4llningstiden hade jag tv\"e5 ansvarsomr\"e5den, platsannonsering p\"e5 Metrojobb samt segmentet Hem & Hush\"e5ll i tidningen Metro.",
      "location": "Stockholm, Sverige",
      "logo_url": ""
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        "day": 31,
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      "issued_on": {
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        "month": 6,
        "year": 2011
      "description": "Stipendium f\"f6r projekt inom Ung F\"f6retagsamhet. "
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        "day": 1,
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        "year": 2019
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        "day": 30,
        "month": 6,
        "year": 2021
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      "license_number": null,
      "display_source": null,
      "authority": "HubSpot Academy",
      "url": null
  "connections": null,
  "people_also_viewed": [
      "link": "",
      "name": "Daniel Kielstrup",
      "summary": "Head of Sales",
      "location": null
      "link": "",
      "name": "Gustaf Borelius-Larson",
      "summary": "Sales Manager at Nshift",
      "location": null
      "link": "",
      "name": "Patrik Sarac Nilsson",
      "summary": "Mellanstadiel\"e4rare p\"e5 K\"e4vlinge kommun",
      "location": null
      "link": "",
      "name": "Pontus Lundblad",
      "summary": "Dofab",
      "location": null
      "link": "",
      "name": "Kristian Thomasson",
      "summary": "Director of Sales, Sweden at nShift",
      "location": null
      "link": "\"f6ld-16b800a8",
      "name": "Carina Sk\"f6ld",
      "summary": "R\"e5dgivare p\"e5 Byggbranschens yrkesn\"e4mnd",
      "location": null
      "link": "",
      "name": "Valentine Makungu",
      "summary": "Regional Sales Manager at nShift",
      "location": null
      "link": "",
      "name": "Philip Andersson",
      "summary": "Account Manager B2B at Exertis | Sweden",
      "location": null
      "link": "",
      "name": "Jonatan Hultman",
      "summary": "Strategic Key Account Manager @ Karma",
      "location": null
      "link": "",
      "name": "Nathalie Gustafsson",
      "summary": "Restaurangchef p\"e5 Texas Longhorn",
      "location": null
  "recommendations": [],
  "activities": [
      "title": "Introducing \"97 The RecipeA curated podcast by Superb and hosted by our very own James Clasper \u55356 \u57255 Get the ultimate peek into the current agenda of\"85",
      "link": "",
      "activity_status": "Gillat av Aleksandar Milovanovic"
      "title": "The first episode of The Recipe is finally here and it's all about The New Normal in the restaurant industry \u9889 \u65039 Our host, James Clasper, speaks to\"85",
      "link": "",
      "activity_status": "Gillat av Aleksandar Milovanovic"
      "title": "M\"e5nga trodde de st\"f6rsta v\"e4rvningarna var gjorda i \"e5r med b\"e5de Ronaldo till United och Messi till PSG men nu \"e4r det \"e4ven dags f\"f6r mig att r\"f6ra p\"e5 mig.\"85",
      "link": "",
      "activity_status": "Gillat av Aleksandar Milovanovic"
  "similarly_named_profiles": [
      "name": "Aleksandar Milovanovi\\u263 ",
      "link": "",
      "summary": "Team Leader at SUEZ CONSULTING",
      "location": "Serbien"
      "name": "Aleksandar Milovanovi\\u263 ",
      "link": "",
      "summary": "Founder & C.E.O. at Razvojni centar ADS d.o.o.",
      "location": "Serbien"
      "name": "Aleksandar Milovanovic",
      "link": "",
      "summary": "Project Manager at Hyperoptic Ltd.",
      "location": "Belgrad"
      "name": "Aleksandar Milovanovic",
      "link": "",
      "summary": "Owner / Director at ATS / Avionics & Telecommunication Services",
      "location": "Serbien"
      "name": "Aleksandar Milovanovic",
      "link": "",
      "summary": "Surgeon at Clinical Center of Serbia",
      "location": "Serbien"
  "articles": [],
  "groups": [],
  "skills": [],
  "inferred_salary": null,
  "gender": null,
  "birth_date": null,
  "industry": null,
  "extra": null,
  "interests": [],
  "personal_emails": [],
  "personal_numbers": []

Technical Specifications and Usage Terms

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LinkDB snapshots are provided in Parquet file format for seamless integration. Click the button below to see some sample Parquet files identical to the data we deliver.

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No freshness illustration

Millions Of Profiles Updated Every Day

We provide millions of up-to-date public profile data for our API users as a service. Our API users, as a collective, determine which profiles are of interest to update when they access our API to retrieve such profile data.

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No resale illustration
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LinkDB cannot be purchased for resale. At any given time, you should not disclose more than 33% of LinkDB data (including derivatives) to any customer or to the public. You may use LinkDB to enhance your applications provided no customer is exposed to more than 33% of the data you purchased from us.

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Enrich All LinkDB Profiles with Proxycurl API

LinkDB is often used alongside Proxycurl API. Use LinkDB to identify profiles of interest, then employ Proxycurl API to extract detailed and updated data of those profiles.

curl \
    -G \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" \
    '' \
    --data-urlencode '' \
    --data-urlencode 'first_name=Bill' \
    --data-urlencode 'similarity_checks=include' \
    --data-urlencode 'enrich_profile=enrich' \
    --data-urlencode 'location=Seattle' \
    --data-urlencode 'title=Co-chair' \
    --data-urlencode 'last_name=Gates'

          "full_name":"Bill Gates",
          "occupation":"Co-chair at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation",
          "headline":"Co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation",
          "summary":"Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Founder of Breakthrough Energy. Co-founder of Microsoft. Voracious reader. Avid traveler. Active blogger.",
          "country_full_name":"United States of America",
                "company":"Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation",
                "company":"Breakthrough Energy",
                "school":"Harvard University",
                "school":"Lakeside School",










                "name":"Seth Berkley",
                "summary":"Health Consultant",
                "name":"Kevin Scott",
                "summary":"CTO Microsoft, Author of \"Reprogramming the American Dream\"",
                "name":"Satya Nadella",
                "summary":"Chairman and CEO at Microsoft",
                "name":"Richard Branson",
                "summary":"Founder at Virgin Group",
                "name":"Rishi Sunak",
                "summary":"Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Leader of the Conservative Party. Member of Parliament for Richmond (Yorks).",


                "name":"Bill Gates",
                "summary":"Looking for connections within the IT field.",
                "location":"Whitehall, PA"
                "name":"Bill Gates",
                "summary":"Janitor at Bill Gates Associates",
                "location":"Tompkins County, NY"
                "name":"Bill Gates",
                "summary":"GATES Solid Gold Investments ,Inc  LLC",
                "location":"Santa Rosa, CA"
                "name":"Bill Gates",
                "summary":"President & CEO at Bedford Materials, AIM Global Logistics",
                "location":"Boca Raton, FL"






Powered by LinkDB illustration
Powered by LinkDB

API Endpoints Powered by LinkDB

Apart from being a comprehensive database of LinkedIn profiles, LinkDB also powers these amazing endpoints that you can integrate directly into your applications.

bag icon

Employee Listing API Endpoint


Company Profile URL


List of employees

curl \
    -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR_API_KEY}" \
company icon

Employee Search API Endpoint


Company Profile URL


List of employees that meet a set of criteria

curl \
    -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR_API_KEY}" \
email icon

Person Search API Endpoint


Person Profile URL


LinkedIn (Person) Profile URL

curl \
    -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR_API_KEY}" \¤t_company_region=United+States
woman icon

Company Search API Endpoint


Company Profile URL


List of companies that meet a set of criteria

curl \
    -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer ${YOUR_API_KEY}" \

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