Advanced search of companies on LinkedIn - based on industries, funding, products, apps and more
Advanced search of companies on LinkedIn - based on industries, funding, products, apps and more

/ proxycurl

The Ultimate Guide To Advanced LinkedIn Company Search

In this article, I will take you through the various techniques to make a LinkedIn Company Search. These techniques range from straightforward to advanced, depending on what your needs are.

Easy Mode: Find companies on LinkedIn with a name or a web domain

The most straightforward Company Searches are to find a LinkedIn company profile from a company name. All you need is a name or the company's web domain.

With a name, you can use LinkedIn's search. With a domain, you will need a Google search.

1. Use LinkedIn search to find a company from its name

  • Go to
  • In the search bar at the top, enter the company name and press Enter. For example: "nubela." After that, you will land on the search results page.
  • Click on the Companies button. This will show you the search results of companies only.
  • Done. The chances are that the company profile you are seeking is on the search result page now.

2. Use Google search to find a company from either name or website

  1. Go to
  2. Search using this search term <company_name OR company_domain>
  3. Done. The chances are that the profile you are seeking is on the search result pane now.

Advanced Mode: Find a list of companies matching industries, keywords, funding and more.

It is trivial to perform a LinkedIn Company Search for a specific company. The harder task is to get a list of companies matching a list of constraints.

How do you find a list of companies?

  • From an industry?
  • That match specific keywords?
  • That meet a funding constraint?
  • Behind a particular app?
  • That use a particular technology?
  • That pay for specific services?

First, you need the data, and Proxycurl's LinkDB has the following data for all 17+M companies that we have in our LinkDB Company Profile Database:

  • Funding data
  • Published mobile apps
  • Web traffic
  • Web tech
  • And More

However, these data is not easily accessible today, not by choice. But because working with "big data" is hard. If you need to match a list of companies that match the constraints listed above, please send us an email.

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Steven Goh | CEO

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