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The best LinkedIn scrapers compared -- get B2B data fast!
LinkedIn is full of B2B data that can help grow your business, but what's the best way to obtain it?

/ proxycurl

Comparing the 7 Best LinkedIn Scraping Tools of 2024

LinkedIn is an incredible resource for just about any business.

It's the largest professional social media site in existence, therefore, has the most publicly available B2B data out there.

The only problem is, LinkedIn makes it very hard to extract data from their platform–even if you’re willing to pay for it. It’s extremely difficult to be granted access to their API, and if you manage to secure access, it’s very limited.

Outside of that, no one wants to spend their time manually copying and pasting data from LinkedIn.

Thus, the need for a LinkedIn scraper to automate the extraction of B2B data from LinkedIn for you.

What is a LinkedIn Scraper?

LinkedIn scrapers are tools designed to mine data from LinkedIn profiles and company pages, capturing details like name, email address, job title, company name, location, or any other data points that could be helpful.

Usually that data is then used for purposes like:

Basically, if your business has a need for B2B data, you could use a LinkedIn scraper.

Finding the right LinkedIn scraper for you

There are quite a few different LinkedIn scrapers available today, and they not only all work differently… they’re all priced differently and provide different data points.

It can be hard to pick the right LinkedIn scraper for your use case. I get it.

Which is why my goal in this article is to weigh the pros and cons of each, and help you make an informed decision in the process.

Hopefully, by the end of this article, you’ll have found the right LinkedIn scraper for you.

Sounds good? Alright, let’s dive in.

The 7 best LinkedIn scraping tools of 2024

1. Proxycurl (4.57/5) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Admittedly, I’m a little biased—because, you know, I work at Proxycurl and all.

But, the biggest reason you’d want to use Proxycurl is because it’s an incredibly versatile API that’s designed to be built into your existing systems and workflow.

Proxycurl's dashboard
What Proxycurl's dashboard looks like

It may seem a little scary at first if you’re not a developer (we’re extremely developer-friendly; you can view all of our documentation here), but our different API endpoints are actually quite easy to incorporate and use.

It can effortlessly provide you, or your business, with all the B2B data it could ever possibly need on people and companies—and I don’t say that lightly.

Plus, the data is always fresh, often even scraped live (but if not, the scraped profile is then 29 days old) if you use our use_cache=if-recent parameter that’s available on our profile scraping-related endpoints, such as our Person Profile Endpoint or our Company Profile Endpoint.

In fact, let me show you how easy it is to pull a freshly scraped and accurate personal profile from LinkedIn using a simple Python script and our Person Profile Endpoint:

import requests

import json

api_key = 'Your_API_Key_Here'

headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + api_key}

api_endpoint = ''

params = {

    'linkedin_profile_url': '',

    'extra': 'include',

    'github_profile_id': 'include',

    'facebook_profile_id': 'include',

    'twitter_profile_id': 'include',

    'personal_contact_number': 'include',

    'personal_email': 'include',

    'inferred_salary': 'include',

    'skills': 'include',

    'use_cache': 'if-recent',

    'fallback_to_cache': 'on-error',


response = requests.get(api_endpoint,



# Check if the request was successful

if response.status_code == 200:

    # Parse and print the content of the response in a formatted manner

    data = response.json()

    print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))


    print(f"Error: {response.status_code}")

The above script returns a scraped and enriched profile, adhering to our 29-day freshness guarantee.

An enriched profile includes data points like:

  • Full name
  • Work history
  • Salary expectations
  • Similar profiles
  • Education
  • A summary of the individual
  • Email
  • Phone number
  • And beyond

No proxies, servers, or complex crawling or scraping methods are required.

Instead, you just simply request the data from our servers through our API.

Still not convinced? Here's a full demo of using a few Proxycurl APIs with real-life use-cases (including one using ChatGPT to build personalized email), by our very own CEO, Steven.

Full demo of Proxycurl APIs

Not bad, right?

Plus, as I mentioned earlier, it’s very easy to change this to our Company Profile Endpoint and scrape companies instead of people.

You can click here to create your Proxycurl account now.

Alternatively, we also sell our publicly scraped LinkedIn dataset, LinkDB – it consists of over 472,880,151 (and increasing) LinkedIn profiles (however, these profiles will not be as fresh as profiles enriched via our API - see how often is LinkDB updated).

Proxycurl pros

The biggest pro of Proxycurl is the fact you have about all the B2B data you could ever possibly need at your fingertips. No need to keep replacing your IPs, LinkedIn accounts, and beyond. We do all of that for you. Additionally, you have several API endpoints that you can use and incorporate into your workflow in several ways.

Proxycurl cons

Some people may find the fact Proxycurl operates via API endpoints a bit intimidating. While it isn’t that hard to figure out how to use an API, it does take a bit of a learning curve if you’re not technically inclined or a software developer/engineer.

Proxycurl pricing

It’s free to create an account, and you start with 10 credits, which is enough to test out a couple of queries, as well as our free API endpoints (which, there are a couple, like our Disposable Email Address Check Endpoint).

After the 10 credits, $10 will get you 100 credits.

So, for example, it costs 1 credit to use the Person Profile Endpoint and another 1 credit to use the use_cache=if-recent parameter).

To simplify things even further, $10 can buy you 50 recently scraped profiles (without any additional enrichment parameters) or 100 profiles (also without any enrichment parameters) if you’re fine going without our freshness guarantee – more information about our API pricing policy is available here.

Just click here to create your account.

By the way, if you’re not very comfortable around code, we also have an alternative product named Sapiengraph that anyone could use to automatically pull LinkedIn data into a spreadsheet on Google Sheets.

It doesn’t have quite the same level of functionality as Proxycurl (nor as many available data points), but it’s still powered by LinkDB and works quite well.

2. Waalaxy (2.86/5) ⭐⭐⭐

Waalaxy is a LinkedIn scraper that works through a Google chrome extension.

Waalaxy's homepage
What Waalaxy's homepage looks like

All it requires you to do is perform a person search on LinkedIn, so, for example, I searched “SaaS founders” and then exported the data:

Exporting LinkedIn data with Waalaxy
Exporting data with Waalaxy

The data then goes over to the Waalaxy dashboard through the chrome extension:

Waalaxy's dashboard
Waalaxy's dashboard

After that, you can export the desired profiles. However, I will admit the data isn’t very rich. It’s mostly just name, role, LinkedIn profile URL, and then some contact information.

Waalaxy pros

Waalaxy is probably as beginner friendly as you could get. It’s almost too simple, but it works well enough and does a solid job at scraping LinkedIn for outreach campaigns.

Waalaxy cons

More for outreach rather than extracting data from LinkedIn. You definitely won’t be able to enrich anything with the data extracted, just contact.

Waalaxy pricing

Waalaxy has a limited freemium version, but the first full subscription will run you €112 per month.

The version that includes the email finder goes for €160 per month.

3. Evaboot (2.71/5) ⭐⭐⭐

Evaboot is a service similar to Waalaxy. It also operates through a Google chrome extension.

Evaboot's homepage
Evaboot's homepage

Where Evaboot differs at, though, is that their platform requires a LinkedIn Sales Navigator subscription.

Once you install the extension, you can perform Sales Navigator searches and then export the data back to Evaboot in a similar fashion to Waalaxy.

Exporting leads with Evaboot
Exporting leads with Evaboot

They export data points like full name, company, role, LinkedIn profile URL, and then they have an additional feature to obtain email addresses.

Evaboot pros

Has a solid amount of tutorials available, making it pretty self-explanatory on how to use their product. It works well enough to get the job done.

Evaboot cons

Requires LinkedIn Sales Navigator access. They also have a credit-based system for emails and exporting data.

Evaboot pricing

Evaboot has both subscription and one time payment plans.

They also have a credit system, in which:

  • 1 export credit = LinkedIn profile + company data
  • 1 email credit = email search + verification

The one time payment plans start at $39 for 1,000 export + email credits, or $19 for 1,000 export credits (excludes email).

The subscription plans start at $49 monthly for 2,000 export + email credits, or $29 monthly for solely export credits (again, excluding email).

4. PhantomBuster (3.29/5) ⭐⭐⭐

PhantomBuster advertises itself as the platform for all things lead generation.

Their platform promises everything from sourcing leads to automating outreach, all without the need for any coding skills.

PhantomBuster's dashboard
PhantomBuster's dashboard

Once you login, you’ll find different “Phantoms” which are just different actions the product can perform.

One of them is the LinkedIn profile scraper:

PhantomBuster's LinkedIn scraper
PhantomBuster's LinkedIn scraper

On it, you can submit a LinkedIn profile or a desired list of profile URLs.

It’ll then ask you to connect your LinkedIn profile:

Connecting your LinkedIn with PhantomBuster
Connecting your LinkedIn with PhantomBuster

The easiest way to do this is by installing their Google Chrome extension, and then just click connect.

After that, you can start scraping LinkedIn profiles:

Exporting data from PhantomBuster
Exporting data from PhantomBuster

The data it exports includes things like name, LinkedIn profile URL, company, and beyond, but you’ll have to use a separate Phantom, the email extractor, to get an email address.

PhantomBuster pros

It did everything I threw at it well, and didn’t give me anything to complain about. It has more use cases and workflow integrations than most of the other LinkedIn scrapers on here.

PhantomBuster cons

On more of the expensive side, plus it tries to do a little too much. You might find it a bit intimidating and confusing at first.

PhantomBuster pricing

Phantombuster provides a 14-day trial that includes 5 Phantoms and 1,000 AI credits as well as 50 email extraction credits.

Their cheapest paid subscription plan goes for $69 per month and includes 5 Phantoms 10,000 AI credits, and 500 email extractions per month and works its way up from there.

5. LinkedIn Scraper (3.43/5) ⭐⭐⭐

LinkedIn Scraper is a free and open source Python package designed to automate the extraction of data from LinkedIn user and company profiles.

LinkedIn scraper's GitHub repository
LinkedIn scraper's GitHub repository

It makes the process of scraping LinkedIn with Python much easier.

You can install the Python library by running the following command:

 pip3 install --user linkedin_scraper

After installing the library, here’s an example of how you can scrape a person's profile:

from linkedin_scraper import Person, actions

from selenium import webdriver

driver = webdriver.Chrome()

email = "[email protected]"

password = "password123"

actions.login(driver, email, password) # if email and password isnt given, it'll prompt in terminal

person = Person("", driver=driver)

This may work for some developers, but again, you will have to deal with the headache of trying to circumvent LinkedIn’s blocking policies.

So, there are pros and cons of using it. You’ll also have to invest more time in setting up and managing it.

LinkedIn Scraper pros

It’s an entirely free open source product that can extract data from LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Scraper cons

It requires technical competency and only software engineers/developers can use it. It will take continual work to keep it running, and you will have to deal with every single headache involved with scraping LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Scraper pricing

Did I mention it’s free? By the way, Proxycurl is a sponsor for this product–which is part of what makes that free part possible.

6. Octopus CRM (2.57/5) ⭐⭐⭐

Octopus CRM, like the others, relies on a Google Chrome extension. Seeing any similarities here yet?

They advertise themselves as “the all-in-one LinkedIn automation tool”:

Octopus CRM's homepage
Octopus CRM's homepage

Using the Google Chrome extension, it’s not very hard to extract data:

Extracting data from LinkedIn with Octopus CRM
Extracting data from LinkedIn with Octopus CRM

It works well enough, but the primary purpose seems to be more on LinkedIn marketing than LinkedIn scraping.

That said, they do provide the ability to export emails and phone numbers into a .CSV.

Octopus CRM pros

It’s one of the cheaper tools on here and does its job well enough. It can also be integrated into just about any tool you have.

Octopus CRM cons

It tries to do a bit too much, and the UI leaves a bit to be desired. It also places a larger priority on outreach, rather than scraping or exporting data.

Octopus CRM pricing

Octopus CRM comes with a 7-day free trial. After that, plans start as low as $21.99 with the ability to export data.

7. Meet Alfred (2.57/5) ⭐⭐⭐

I’m going to start this by saying it actually took me 30 minutes to get Meet Alfred integrated with my LinkedIn account.

For whatever reason, Meet Alfred refused to successfully link with my LinkedIn.

Meet Alfred's homepage
Meet Alfred's homepage

Not a great first impression, but after a couple of verification codes, the experience was smooth sailing.

My favorite part about Meet Alfred is that it doesn’t require a Google Chrome plugin like the others.

It just relies on one central dashboard and offers a couple of options for scraping LinkedIn:

Meet Alfred's LinkedIn scraper
Meet Alfred's LinkedIn scraper

So, for example, you could specify a search URL, or input your own specified search query:

Exporting data with Meet Alfred
Exporting data with Meet Alfred

Afterwards there are a couple of actions you could do with the scraped profiles which includes conduct outreach campaigns or export it, including data points like name, phone number, and email.

Meet Alfred pros

Provides multiple different ways of searching for LinkedIn profiles. Plus, a pretty simple UI—you’ll get the hang of it quickly.

Meet Alfred cons

Focuses more on omnichannel outreach rather than scraping LinkedIn profiles (it wants you to keep the data in-house), but does allow you to export data points like name, email, number.

Meet Alfred pricing

Meet Alfred offers a 14-day free trial. After that, the cheapest monthly plan that allows you to export data starts at $89 per month.

Final LinkedIn scraper comparison

Now that we’ve individually covered all of these scrapers, as a final comparison, I’m going to be ranking them out of 5 stars for the following categories:

  • Freshness of data (how recent is it scraped?)
  • Richness of data (what's the depth of data scraped?)
  • Scalability (can you grow with it?)
  • Pricing (can you afford it?)
  • Developer friendliness (can you integrate it with all of your systems?)
  • Stability (can you rely on it?)
  • Ease of use (will you be able to figure out how to use it?)
Proxycurl Waalaxy Evaboot PhantomBuster LinkedIn scraper Octopus CRM Meet Alfred
Freshness of data ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Richness of data ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Scalability ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Pricing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Developer friendliness ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stability ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐
Ease of use ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
Average rating 4.57/5 2.86/5 2.71/5 3.29/5 3.43/5 2.57/5 2.57/5

What’s the right LinkedIn scraper for you?

Choosing the right LinkedIn scraper is a decision that hinges on your specific needs, technical proficiency, and the goals you aim to achieve. Here's a quick guide to help you decide:

Technical proficiency

If you're a developer or have a technical background, tools like Proxycurl or LinkedIn Scraper might be more up your alley. They offer robust features and integration capabilities.

For those less technically inclined, browser extension-based tools like Waalaxy, Evaboot, or Octopus CRM might be more suitable.

Data depth and freshness

If you're looking for the most recent and in-depth data, Proxycurl stands out. Especially with its use_cache=if-recent parameter ensuring data freshness (within 29 days).

For more basic data, tools like Waalaxy or Evaboot might suffice.


For outreach campaigns, Waalaxy and Octopus CRM are designed with this primary function in mind.

If your focus is on data extraction and enrichment, Proxycurl offers a comprehensive solution.


If you're on a tight budget, the open-source LinkedIn Scraper is free.

For those willing to invest for more features and ease of use, Proxycurl and PhantomBuster offer tiered pricing options.

Ease of Use

For a straightforward, user-friendly experience, Waalaxy and Meet Alfred are designed with simplicity in mind.

Tools like PhantomBuster might have a steeper learning curve due to their extensive features.


If you're looking for a tool that can grow with your business, Proxycurl offers a scalable API that can be integrated into various systems.

Our overall recommendation: Proxycurl

While each tool has its merits, Proxycurl stands out for its versatility, depth of data, and developer-friendly features.

Plus, you won’t need any VPNs, proxies, a rotating index of LinkedIn accounts, or anything else...

Additionally, there’s zero LinkedIn scraping headaches involved. You simply get access to rich B2B data–also, I should add we use more data sources than just LinkedIn for our API.

But we do always link it back to a LinkedIn identifier, so it may seem like our API only relies on LinkedIn, but it doesn’t.

That’s just part of the equation and is what often makes our data richer than our competitors.

Get all the public LinkedIn data you’d like with none of the headaches

Proxycurl will provide you with a simple and scalable API that you can build into whatever you need it to be, or into your existing systems.

It easily solves the need of having to scrape LinkedIn profiles, and you gain access to even richer data than you could obtain by scraping LinkedIn alone.

If you’re interested in giving us a shot, you can click here to create your account for free right now.

Like I mentioned earlier, you do start with some free credits that provide the ability to test out some general functionality.

Plus, there are a few free endpoints that you can use perpetually.

Just click here to create your free account.

Thanks for reading, and here’s to rich and actionable B2B data!

P.S. Any questions about Proxycurl? Curious if we’re the right fit for you? No problem, just reach out to us at “[email protected]” and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

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