People Data Labs vs Proxycurl for B2B data enrichment of profiles - get free credits!

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People Data Labs Customers: Get 25,000 Proxycurl Credits for FREE

Are you a customer of People Data Labs? Are you happy with your service? Are you certain you're happy with your service?

Find out at no cost this month - we're offering you a month of free service on our $299/month plan, which amounts to 25,000 credits.

All you have to do to claim this offer is prove that you're currently a People Data Labs customer, and we'll match your plan, on Proxycurl, up to $299/month. We're confident you'll become our customer instead after this free trial period.

Proxycurl has better products than People Data Labs

Proxycurl is not only the best People Data Labs alternative, but we offer a superior service at a lower price.


Proxycurl has one of the best data freshness policies in the industry. How fresh you'd ask? Our APIs are capable of scraping live data. You can also request data no older than 29 days. Or, if you'd prefer to pay less, you can scrape without requesting fresh data. People Data Labs, on the other hand, serves stale profile data that's only updated once a month.

Search functionality

Proxycurl employs a RESTful Search function, a familiar, easy-to-use structure. With People Data Labs you need to learn Elasticsearch. We don't believe in a learning curve.


params = {
    'current_company_linkedin_profile_url': '',
    'current_role_title': '(?i)software engineer|^swe$',

People Data Labs:

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "term": {
                        "job_company_linkedin_url": ""
                    "terms": {
                        "job_title": [
                            "software engineer",
                            "senior software engineer",


There are many factors that determine the pricing of an API call - the endpoint being used, the set of parameters requested, number of pages consumed, etc. To standardize, we'll compare the cost of enriching one single person profile, based on each company's cheapest monthly plan.

  • Proxycurl - $0.02/profile ($49/mo for 2500 profiles)
  • People Data Labs - $0.28/profile ($98/mo for 350 profiles)

The cost to enrich a single person's profile is ten times cheaper using Proxycurl than it is with People Data Labs!

Other features

There you have it. Proxycurl products come with:

  • GDPR, CCPA, SOC 2 compliance
  • A high rate limit - 300 requests/minute
  • Speed - Most endpoints respond in ~2s
  • Fresh data - 88% of data is scraped real-time by default, other 12% are not older than 29 days
  • High accuracy
  • Tons of data points returned per profile
  • Great developer UX: Built for developers, by developers

Ex-People Data Labs users have told us countless times that Proxycurl is extremely easy to use.
Check out our docs to see for yourself.

Enrich 25,000 profiles for free

So what are you waiting for? If you are new to Proxycurl and are currently using People Data Labs, switch to Proxycurl today and get 25,000 profiles enriched for free! Simply drop us an email with your past two months' People Data Labs subscription receipts, and we'll get you started immediately.

Joseph Lim | Head of Marketing

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