Introducing LinkDB, a database of Linkedin Profiles

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Introducing LinkDB, a database of Linkedin Profiles

Steven, the Linkedin API you guys offer is excellent. But how do I begin to use the API if I do not even have the profiles?

I get this question so often, so we decided to crawl every profile and put it into a Postgresql database. We call this product LinkDB, and this is what you can do with it.

What is LinkDB

LinkDB is a Postgresql database preloaded with Linkedin profiles segregated by region. For example, LinkDB for the US is a PostgreSQL database populated with has 165M Linkedin profiles of Americans.

We store each profile as a row under a JSONB column, and this is the shape of the profile's structured data.

Integrating LinkDB into your product

Suppose you run a recruitment platform that pairs software engineers with big tech firms in Singapore. And your growth team is seeking more users on your platform! Specifically, software engineers. LinkDB is a PostgreSQL database. So we will send this SQL query to LinkDB for Singapore that says:

Find all software engineers in Singapore

To fetch the list of professionals who are currently employed as software engineers

     FROM jsonb_array_elements(parsed_data->'experiences') exp
     WHERE (exp->>'title' ilike '%Software Engineer%' OR
     exp->>'title' ilike '%Software Developer%') AND 
     exp->>'ends_at' is null

And 10055 software engineers were found along with their Linkedin profile ID.

Software Engineers in Singapore

Find software engineers working at Grab

Grab, the Uber of Southeast Asia has frozen hiring and is looking to downsize its software engineering team no thanks to the COVID19 pandemic. This downsizing event presents a brilliant opportunity to onboard software engineers from Grab into our imaginary recruitment platform!

So let's ask LinkDB for a list of software engineers working at Grab. And we do so by sending this SQL query::

     FROM jsonb_array_elements(parsed_data->'experiences') exp
     WHERE exp->>'company_linkedin_profile_url' ILIKE '' )
     FROM jsonb_array_elements(parsed_data->'experiences') exp
     WHERE (exp->>'title' ILIKE '%Software Engineer%'
            OR exp->>'title' ILIKE '%Software Developer%')
       AND exp->>'ends_at' IS NULL )

In an instant, we have a list of 227 Linkedin profiles of every software engineer working in Grab. This is a headhunter's dream.

Linkedin Profile IDs of software engineers currently working in Grab

Find undergrads who have just matriculated in 2020, majoring in Computer Science with the National University of Singapore

In this imaginary recruitment platform that you are building, you have an internship section for big tech firms because big tech firms want to secure the best undergrads before they graduate. These software engineer internship roles are a perfect fit for Computer Science undergrads. Let's get a list of undergrads who are majoring in Computer science at the National University of Singapore (NUS).

And this is the SQL query to fetch this data:

     FROM jsonb_array_elements(parsed_data->'education') exp
     WHERE ( exp->>'degree_name' ILIKE '%Computer Science%'
            OR exp->>'degree_name' ILIKE '%Comp%Sci%')
       AND exp->>'school' ILIKE 'National University of Singapore' )
       and EXISTS
     FROM jsonb_array_elements(parsed_data->'education') exp
     WHERE exp->>'starts_at' IS NOT NULL
       AND exp#>>'{starts_at,year}' = '2020' )

Here, we have 61 undergrads who have just matriculated, and they are majoring in Computer Science with the National University of Singapore. Perfect candidates for internship positions.

Linkedin Profile IDs of NUS undergrads who matriculated in 2020, majoring in Computer Science

Find CEOs in Singapore

With LinkDB, you have built a brilliant recruitment product pre-populated with perfect candidates that your growth team has helped onboarded. But that is only one side of the equation in a marketplace product that is a recruitment platform. You make money when companies pay you for sourcing perfect candidates for them. And your sales department needs leads. They want to talk to decision-makers -- CEOs.

And this is the SQL query to fetch a list of active CEOs in Singapore

     FROM jsonb_array_elements(parsed_data->'experiences') exp
     WHERE (exp->>'title' ilike '%CEO%' OR
     exp->>'title' ilike '%Chief executive officer%') AND 
     exp->>'ends_at' is null

And LinkDB tells us that there are 9633 active CEOs in Singapore.

Profile IDs of active CEOs in Singapore

Plug LinkDB Postgresql instance into your product for $166.50 / mo

So, you want to build your own awesome recruitment platform? You can!

We have various segments of data snapshots

  1. People profiles - 170+MM profiles of people based in the US
  2. People profiles - 8.7M profiles of people based in Canada
  3. People profiles - 876000+ profiles of people based in Israel
  4. People profiles - 15+M profiles of people based in UK
  5. People profiles - 1.7+M profiles of people based in Singapore
  6. People profiles - ~6M profiles of people based in Australia
  7. People profiles - ~1.5M profiles of people based in Ireland
  8. People profiles - ~1.5M profiles of people based in New Zealand
  9. People profiles - ~9.2M profiles of people based in Germany
  10. Company profiles - 18+M profiles of global companies

Our prices are usually priced in the 5-digits per data segment. It is an annual package with a front-loaded one-time fee with 3 quarterly updates.

We have snapshots of other countries too, see this dashboard for the breakdown of our people profile by countries.

Questions and a live demo

As of today, we have a live LinkDB database off 400+M people profiles. I will be happy to get on a video call with you and understand how LinkDB might work for your needs. Just shoot us an email to [email protected].

Steven Goh | CEO

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