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Our service stability depends on LinkedIn's policies
Our service stability depends on LinkedIn's policies; while we've been consistent since 2014, external factors may prompt us to explore better alternatives in the future.

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How stable is Proxycurl for scraping LinkedIn?

The short answer is -- as stable as LinkedIn lets us be. It is a constant cat-and-mouse game with LinkedIn.

Given that we scrape public LinkedIn profiles only. There are quite a few moving parts that we have no control over, such as:

  • If LinkedIn removes a particular data field from the public profile, we would not be able to share that information back with you.
  • If LinkedIn removes public profiles entirely, we will no longer be able to provide a LinkedIn scraping service because then we have nothing to scrape.

That said, our company has been around since 2014. And we have maintained API consistency and uptime through our services. Of course, there will come a day when we will no longer be able to scrape LinkedIn profiles. Still, if I (the CEO) have my way, we probably would have a superior alternative to "just scraping LinkedIn" as a product offering for you.

Steven Goh | CEO

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